Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thomas Malthus 50 pts

Thomas Malthus:

thomas malthus wasn't a scientist, he was a economist who studied accumulated figures on birth, deaths,age of marriage and other statistical  information. his studies primarily focused on the population rate and survival rate of all living things, further more his studies heavily contributed to the theory of natural selection. Thomas believed in the "eat or be eaten" mentality, the weak die off and the strong survive and become stronger over time and reproduce with strong genes. on the other hand, Darwin created the theory of natural selection with Thomas theory in mind. i personally dont think darwin could have developed his theory without malthus theory, they go hand and hand and are also building blocks for one another. And also i don't think the attitude of the church had a an effect on whether or not darwin's book, darwin made a book off of his studies and his educated strong beliefs regardless of what the church thought.