Tuesday, December 2, 2014


part 1:

in this half of the assignment we where asked to hold a conversation without using any form of spoken language. but we where allowed to use our hands as gestures and facial expressions in attempt to get our point across. in my experiment i tried holding a conversation with my brother on what to eat for dinner. this was extremely hard because i wasn't able to simply tell him  what i wanted to eat and being hungry didn't help things at all. i got very frustrated because i was grabbing ingredients and trying to make him understand that i wanted a salad tonight but he just got fed up after 15 minutes and started ignoring me and told me to feed myself when the experiment was over. needless to say he didn't like the fact that i wasn't able to tell him what i was hungry for just by speaking.

part 2:

the second half of this assignment was to hold another conversation but this time we couldn't use any form of bodily communication but we could speak. i asked my brother to put away my sweater in a certain spot in my closet and i couldn't point or show any form of bodily expression, this got her annoyed very quickly. i had to stop myself from pointing, or fluctuating my voice or ever make a bratty face because i too was getting annoyed with myself. after 15 min the sweater still didn't reach its destination and i had an annoyed sibling. after conducting this experiment i asked her how he felt he said that he surprisingly got more annoyed when i wasn't able to show body gestures when trying to communicate, he said i resembled a robot and it stripped me of what makes us human. he would much rather have me be silent but still be able to point and show facial expression. over all i really do feel like being able to express ourselves with our body's,hands and faces are far more effective then just speaking aloud.

1 comment:

  1. Good descriptions on both experiments.

    Missing many of the guideline points, however, and I suspect that you didn't realize there were two sets of guidelines: One set from last week (in Week 6 folder) for the experiment and one set from this week (in Week 7 folder) for writing the blog post? Conducting the experiment itself was only part of the project. This week's guidelines presented questions for you to consider and discuss while reflecting upon your results.
