Tuesday, December 9, 2014

body heat

Although we all come from different races, and different parts of the world our bodies tend to react the same to the weather and changing climates. for example lets say one was living in Alaska for 2 years and then went to go visit New York during winter; their body would be much more adjusted to the cold than someone who is coming from living in constant heat. heat for one can be extremely harmful; over heating is one of them, causing the body to vomit and sweat immensely in order to keep your body cool. When your body is over heating the hypothalamus sends signals to your sweat glads to produce more sweat so you cool down when the water evaporates off your skin, causing your body to cool off.

 short term adaptation -  of over heating would be sweating, sweating allows your body to releases beads of water that evaporate off the skin and temporarily cool you down.

cultural adaptions - when living in extreme weathers of heat, we've learned its not the best decision to go out in a snow jacket and snow boots. we all tend to wear lighter, more breathe able clothing such as tank tops and shorts to allow the body to release extra heat.

faculative adaptation - the less body hair one has, the quicker they'd be able to shed the excess body heat.

developmental adaptations - skin color is one of the factors, people living in hotter climates have darker skin from the sun. also body size ties with the amount of body heat one retains, a leaner more fit body holds less heat compared to a fattier body structure.

i believe the benefits of studying human variations across environmental inclines helps us all out because it opens up our eyes that it is based on genetics, not off of ones skin color due to the fact that it fluctuates and also not particular regions because people

Pictures on here:
He shows that more body hair keeps you warm. 

She shows that light clothes keep
 you cool and the hypothalamus is for sweating control/signals 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


part 1:

in this half of the assignment we where asked to hold a conversation without using any form of spoken language. but we where allowed to use our hands as gestures and facial expressions in attempt to get our point across. in my experiment i tried holding a conversation with my brother on what to eat for dinner. this was extremely hard because i wasn't able to simply tell him  what i wanted to eat and being hungry didn't help things at all. i got very frustrated because i was grabbing ingredients and trying to make him understand that i wanted a salad tonight but he just got fed up after 15 minutes and started ignoring me and told me to feed myself when the experiment was over. needless to say he didn't like the fact that i wasn't able to tell him what i was hungry for just by speaking.

part 2:

the second half of this assignment was to hold another conversation but this time we couldn't use any form of bodily communication but we could speak. i asked my brother to put away my sweater in a certain spot in my closet and i couldn't point or show any form of bodily expression, this got her annoyed very quickly. i had to stop myself from pointing, or fluctuating my voice or ever make a bratty face because i too was getting annoyed with myself. after 15 min the sweater still didn't reach its destination and i had an annoyed sibling. after conducting this experiment i asked her how he felt he said that he surprisingly got more annoyed when i wasn't able to show body gestures when trying to communicate, he said i resembled a robot and it stripped me of what makes us human. he would much rather have me be silent but still be able to point and show facial expression. over all i really do feel like being able to express ourselves with our body's,hands and faces are far more effective then just speaking aloud.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


the piltdown was a finding of a skull fossil in the 1900's by Charles Dawson, he first stumbled on a skull piece then a jaw bone which was believed to be a piece of evidence that linked between humans and apes. Although after studying these pieces , they appeared to be at least 1 million years old but after further examinations they  came to the realization that they where much more recent than that. The scientist knew right away something wasn't adding up, so charles dawson came to mind. charlesdawson was an ametur to science when he stumbled upon his findings. so in a sense this helped him build up credibility to his name as a paleontologist.The piltdown happened in sussex, england. After World war two II in 1953, the scientist were able to fully and thoroughly evaluate the skull piece, teeth and jaw bone that were believed to belong to the 2nd piltdown man, it was at that point the findings where claimed as fakes. someone had gone back to file, stain and remove teeth of the fossil to make it appear a lotolder then what it actually was. charles wanted to get his name out in the scientific world to be well known and respected, so he along with the help of a very well educated scientist falsified the information being presented on the fossil.it leaves us wondering on why someone would do something like that,but it all boils down to pride and ego of some people. in my opinion all science should be done with the purest of all intentions, it should be to help provide humanity will the best facts and evidence so we can advance asa species.
i believe a positive outcome out of all of this is that humans have developed the ability to be able to catch and distinguish the real fossils from the fake ones. i also believe that humans arent perfect, we make errors but we also learn from them and move forward.The human factor will always be a part of science, its going to include humans to do their part of collecting data and taking note of all facts. you can not eliminate it. being a scientist you know to not take things at a face value; you must dig deeper and dissect the items presented to only keep record of only the most accurate information possible.




Wednesday, November 12, 2014


lemurs come from madagascar, the gibbon monkey comes from southeast asian islands and also from china,the spider monkey comes from central and south america; inhabiting the tree tops. the baboons come from saharan africa and arid lands.
the trait i was giving was dentition patterns, the definition of it is " the arrangement, type, and number of the teeth in a particular species." all animals have a detention pattern, all of which are cut out to do different jobs for helping them survive by chewing/ eating their food. 

1) The lemurs dentition pattern consist of 6 teeth and 2 K9's on the bottom, and no teeth on the top but 2 more k9s as you can see, followed by the molars in the back which help the animal chew. the lemurs k9s are the "puncturing" tool while the 6 bottom teeth help rip apart the food, their teeth help them out in their environment because they feed on nuts and fruits.

2) the spider monkeys dentition pattern is as see in the pictures, 4 big K9S and smaller teeth, the spider monkeys have a diet that consists of  smaller fruits such as berries and smaller nuts like almonds and seeds. they have smaller teeth which help the chewing process be a little easier then it comes to the smaller nuts and seeds. their teeth have adapted to the environments and the foods provided. 

3) the gibbons dentition pattern consists of 4 large K9S and smaller teeth that have a little bit more of a flatter top to them, this is because they are practical plant eaters and that helps them gride up the plants they eat ; and they also eat meat, so the larger teeth are used to rip apart the meats. over all their teeth have adapted to their surrounds and help them get the food they need to survive.

4) the baboons dentition pattern consists of 4 very large K9S and also a mouth full of flat teeth,they primarily eat insects and on occasion will hunt for fish or eat birds. they teeth have a very sharp point to them, which come in handy when fighting for territory or hunting for the meat parts of their diets. 

5) the chimpanzee's dentition pattern consists of the standard 4 K9s and what looks like the top row of teeth are thinner and flat just like human teeth. the chimps diet consist of about 50 percent fruits and the rest is insects, nuts and seeds as see below. their teeth have helped them in their environment, the stregth of their jaws are incompableandtheyr K9S are very adaptive to their surround environment

over all i feel like the environments of all these animals really do have a large effect on their detition patterns.due to the fact that without their teeth being fully  up to parr, the animal would starve, these monkeys aren't like tigers where they have their large, killer teeth and big claws to help them achieve their foods. they are all mainly plant eaters and nut eaters. they primarily rely on their teeth to live and eat their gatherings..their teeth have adapted to their surrounds to make the eating/chewing style practical for them.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

bats and humans

the two species i have chosen are bats and humans; they both possess the homologous trait. 
a humans arm and a bats are are homologous to each other simply because of its skeleton structure. 
the human arm has the same structure as the bats, because of the similar bones, humans have a humerus(highlighted in purple) and a radius ( highlighted in orange) as you can see in picture below, they both also have 5 bone endings and for the human that would be their fingers. but they both have different tasks, bats are made to fly while humans are not and also bones of a bats are very hallow compared to a humans. a common ancestors to humans would be an ape while a bats common ancestor would be a microchiroptera, believed to be a smaller bat that ate  mainly fruits. 

the two species i have chosen are platypus and a fish. both have a fin like structure to help them navigate through their environments. And they both have thin bone structures going through their fins, which makes them more useful to paddle through waters. ( as you can see in the images below) over years of evolution both fins/webbing design helped them survive in their environments.the common ancestors of these two animals would be traced back to pre-historic animals ; although we aren't 100% sure scientists believe that platypus would be de decedents of fish. also they could relate to  monothenes and marsupials. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thomas Malthus 50 pts

Thomas Malthus:

thomas malthus wasn't a scientist, he was a economist who studied accumulated figures on birth, deaths,age of marriage and other statistical  information. his studies primarily focused on the population rate and survival rate of all living things, further more his studies heavily contributed to the theory of natural selection. Thomas believed in the "eat or be eaten" mentality, the weak die off and the strong survive and become stronger over time and reproduce with strong genes. on the other hand, Darwin created the theory of natural selection with Thomas theory in mind. i personally dont think darwin could have developed his theory without malthus theory, they go hand and hand and are also building blocks for one another. And also i don't think the attitude of the church had a an effect on whether or not darwin's book, darwin made a book off of his studies and his educated strong beliefs regardless of what the church thought.
